Yahoo! selling personnel mail IDs to get money??

Today I have sent a mail to my friend who has a Yahoo mail ID. I had mentioned my blog's URL in that mail. After sending a mail, within 5 minutes I got a mail pasted below:


Hi jaydipd.mehta,
I have seen your web page its interesting and informative.
I really like the content you provide in the web page.
But you can do more with your web page spice up your page, don't stop providing the simple page you can provide more features like forums, polls, CMS,contact forms and many more features.
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Is Yahoo! selling our mail IDs to get money?
If no than why I have received such kind of mail in response to a mail I had sent to my Yahoo friend quoting my blog's URL?

I don't know why I have received this mail. This mail raises a question in my mind like, Is Yahoo! selling our mail IDs to get money? If no than why I have received such kind of mail in response to a mail I had sent to my Yahoo friend quoting my blog's URL? If any one of you have faced such kind of issue, please tell me what can be an issue.

Note: Don't get tempted by above mail and register yourself a mentioned site. It seems a bogus site to me.

1 comment:

  1. I guess this is the perfect example of threats which directly affect on your accounts on the public domain mail servers. I think(I am not sure)your mail is hacked by that company and they have parsed the URL which has not domain i.e. ur blogger URL which u sent to your friend and with that they have made this mail.The logic is same but trick could be different i.e. maybe yahoo has done this thing because nowadays email servers are very hack proof and its not easy to hack mails and make a business which happened in your case.Because just imagine if person can hack your mail then why he should go for this nonsense ad business things he/she can use many things ;P

    I checked the URL "" and Its not easy to say whether Yahoo is partner in this site or not so that is the only thing that makes worry...And very strange thing is that they compare their services directly with blogspot see here


Jaydip Mehta (JD)