We need to put efforts to do something. But sometimes I feel that, it requires efforts not to do anything also. Just try being thoughtless. Try stopping your mind from thinking. And than you will find that it requires efforts not to do anything also.


  1. Jaydip, you hit the rock hard :) that’s true to my knowledge also. Too much of doing makes things blur and complicated; it requires an effort not to do anything until it settles down and the air of freshness wipes your mind out for the unkind efforts made.

  2. Nice blog Jaydip.. ! !


  3. This is summary of the book:

    Who move my cheeze and
    I move my cheeze...

    Anyways, this is true...

  4. Thanks Alok
    Thanks Shunty
    Thanks Kinjal. I have read that book "who moved my cheese". But I was not able to find this conclusion out of it. Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Jaydip Mehta (JD)