No doubt that today best and widely used search engine is google but Yahoo! is not far away in competition. Many people are confortable with Yahoo! search but in my view, Google is best. Actually '
google' has became synonymous for 'find'. By searching an infinite number of pages in seconds, google and Yahoo are already making our net life easy.
Google and Yahoo! are searching a web more faster than your windows OS. Windows search (for Linux it is grep) used to find particular word in one PC takes more time than Google or Yahoo! which searches millions of Web pages!! Just a thought of not having google or Yahoo! searches makes life miserable. Google and Yahoo! has became a part of life.
We netizens (at least this is not a spelling mistake, it is netizens only) have became addicted to google and Yahoo. Before going to shopping something or before going somewhere to enjoy a weekend, people are using these search engines. People are finding a best route to go from one place to other, approx auto fares, distance in kilometers from these search engines. Before buying any items we are used to search for reviews of it. Today
many people are using search engine results as an alternative for visiting card.
People are used to not to give his visiting card to stranger but instead ask a stranger to search for his name on Google!! For example, if I have my blogspot listed first in google search I can put my address, career interest, personnel interest, current company name etc in my blogger profile and I can ask any stranger to search for my name in Google and know about me everything!!
Sometimes user requires to have result from both of searches. Think that how good and easy life will become if some one lists results from both of search parallel !! If you also are among those who have thought to have results of both searches on hand at a time,
GahooYoogle is for you. Below is snapshot of its result for search on 'jaydip mehta' :
You will also find this link useful. This link gives you comparison of google and yahoo search. It shows you (in very nice manner) which related link is listed at which position in both of the searches. Following is snapshot of comparison of 'jaydip mehta' :

Some more useful sites :
1) Searchboth
2) Why to search in both?
3) Mix your search
4) Search team of half-a-dozen
5) Three to tango (
Hey there!Thanks for the visit at my blog.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, i think i'm gonna stick at google alone. But gahooyoogle is fun and useful too.
Correct Ambo,
ReplyDeleteMe too gonna stick to google only becuase google is best..
hey cool blog man....
ReplyDeleteand thnx for the visit at my blog...
Hi Ankit,
ReplyDeleteThanks to you too for visiting and keep on blogging ..
Hi Sara,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this information. Probably I will write new blog on this ..
If you have more idea about why gahooyoogle changed to polycola, please tell me. I will include it in my new blog ..
Hi Jaydip, I thnk it will be a good idea. has transformed into is an expansion to the idea of, now you can search Google, Yahoo, Live, Ask, AOL, Dogpile, Altavista...
Arbel Hakopian is the creator of and has announced that he has replaced with
There have been ridiculous imitations of after many years that was running. The reason for these imitations was the big success of was created in 2005 and is now replaced with
Go to and read "About PolyCola" for the whole story of and by the founder of both of them.
Hi sara,
ReplyDeleteIt seems that there is no official news that gahooyoogle is been replaced by polycola. Arbel Hakopian has not stated clearly about this replacement. Correct me if I am wrong.